Pulp Fiction Synopsis
Pulp Fiction is a film based around a number of peoples lives during the drug scene of the 1990's. Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega are hitmen out to get back a suitcase that was stolen from their employer, Marsellus Wallace. Marsellus told Vincent to take out Marsellus's wife while he is out of town. He also played a boxer named Butch Coolidge to lose his next fight in order to win a bet. The film also stars other characters such as Honey Bunny and Pumpkin, a couple that decide to hold up a restaurant, Mrs. Wallace, Marsellus's wife, and other smaller characters in the film. The film tells each character's story by showing several short scenes of what they are doing. All the characters tie together in the end.
Film in one sentence:
Pulp Fiction is a story about peoples
lives in the drug scene.
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