Friday 30 September 2011



Organise taking the camera home today.
Get the Doritos on Saturday
Cover Xbox in Doritos, Draw Buttons on Doritos and Film on Sunday
Edit next Friday

Shooting Script.

Shooting Script

1.    Medium shot, 3 seconds, no dialog, playing Xbox, sound of game in background.
2.    Tracking Shot, 2 seconds, no dialog, Picking up Doritos off floor, sound of game in background.
3.    Zoom shot to over the shoulder shot, 5 seconds, no dialog, looking at Xbox that has been turned into Doritos, no dialog, no sound.
4.    Close up, 2 seconds, no dialog, no sound.
5.    Extreme close up, 3 seconds, saying “what?”, no sound.
6.    Extreme close up, 2 seconds, no dialog, sound of thumb-stick clicking.
7.    Close up, 3 seconds, no dialog, sound of game.
8.    Long shot, 2 seconds, no dialog, sound from game.
9.    Extreme close up, 3 seconds, no dialog, sound from lock locking.
10.                       Extreme long shot, 4 seconds, no dialog, no sound.
29 seconds.

Storyboard For My Doritos Advert.

Designing a story

Designing a story

Alfie is trying to play a Game on a console.
But he’s eating Doritos and he drops them on floor, everything turns into Doritos.

What happens at the start of your film?
Alfie is on console eating Doritos and then drops them and everything turns into Doritos.
What happens next?
He gets up and looks at his console and its covered in Doritos, he picks up the controller and it’s a dortio with controls/buttons on, he uses the button and it works on the game he is playing.
What happens at the end?
He goes outside and locks door, the key is a dorito and walks down street and fades out.
Do you need any costumes?
Do you need any props or objects?
A game console, Doritos, house.
What ‘type’ of story is it?

Character 1 is called Alfie and played by Alfie
Described as innocent, minding own business.  
Location 1 is my house during day.

Plan For Doritos Advert.

Person Playing on game console, eating Doritos and drops them. Goes to pick them up and looks over to console and its covered in Doritos, picks up controller and it’s a Dorito with buttons on, presses button ect right and the camera goes on to TV and the game character moves right. Carries on playing game. Goes outside and locks door, key is a Dorito, door locks. And walks down street.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Homework - My Profile.

Profile on myself,
Hobbies - Xbox :L
Films - Inbetweeners Movie, Lock stock and two smoking barrels, mostly Comedy and Action.
Music - Grime, Drum n bass, Dubstep.
Clothes - Nike, DC, Adidas.
Interests - Cod, Brink, Xbox, Film Editing.
Age - 14
Gender - Male

HomeWork - Media Event - The inbetweeners Movie :D